District Engineering Services provides engineering assistance to all 47 Soil and Water Conservation Districts. Assistance includes agricultural BMP design services, Engineering Job Approval Authority for qualified district employees, and engineering assistance for District-owned flood control dams and State Park dams.
This page includes resources for District employees such as design references, worksheets, agricultural and dam-related training presentations, and information related to Engineering Job Approval Authority. The goal of the engineering services program is to partner with Districts to provide effective water quality measures for the agricultural community and assist in the safe operation and maintenance of District and State Park dams.
The Standard Drawings have been relocated to the Tracking program. The drawings are accessible here or by clicking "Forms" under the "Support" tab.
Links to District Engineering Services forms for agricultural best management practices and dams.
The following relates to agricultural best management practices engineering.
The page covers manuals, guidance and procedures related to DCR’s Engineering Job Approval Authority (EJAA). District employees who receive DCR EJAA must adhere to the page's guidelines and procedures and to USDA-NRCS Conservation Practice Standards.
Links to information regarding the federal watershed dam program.
Presentations and other information to help districts operate and maintain flood-control dams.
What documents should be in each dam's file?
For more information, contact Amanda Pennington.